
The beginning...
  • Who-Who am I?
  • What-What will I say?
  • Where-Where will it go?
  • When-When will someone respond?
  • Why-Why blog?

All of these questions I have in mind as I begin this venture into diary/soapbox/platform of words in cyberspace.

Who am I? "Ain't I A Woman" - Sojourner Truth (1797-1883) thank you for your wisdom. Yes, pennygirlpearl is my name for the purpose of staying true to my anonymity and autonomy simultaneously. "Penny" because I never knew I grew up with very little, "girl" because I feel I found my way to adulthood too quick, and "pearl" cause I am not a diamond!

What will I say? "The Truth Will Set You Free but First It Will Piss You Off" - Gloria Steinem (1934-) thank you and thank you again and again and always for providing words to my silence. Most the time I balance my feminist writing with art, activism, and awareness all the while centering around education and finding my voice.

Where will it go? "Our Visions Begin with Our Desires" - Audre Lorde (1934-1992) thank you for empowerment. My words will come from a surface that has been baked, boiled, simmered and stewed to feed my soul.

When will someone respond? "Expect Nothing Live Frugally On Surprise" - Alice Walker (1944-) thank you for telling me about myself. I will continue to remind myself that true validation of my words will have to come from within.

Why blog? "Life-transforming Ideas Have Always Come To Me Through Books" - bell hooks (1952-) thank you for giving me my rage. In order to speak from within, I must speak out.